Sometimes it’s the simplest things that aren’t the simplest that make life feel more whole. Without having to write a long intro and explanation of why this blog post could be of benefit: here are some steps that I take to live a more wholesome life, and how they can assist you in doing the same.
Doing with intention
Truly. There’s something so powerful about making conscious intentions and actually silently doing the work. Internally, you start to feel good, and it eventually shows externally.
Drink more water
First and foremost, if you aren’t hydrating your body, please go do so. Drinking water should be a priority. Period. If you aren’t drinking water, you’re probably a little crusty, whether internally or externally.
Go for walks and bike rides
When your body feels good, it’s only normal for your whole being to feel more aligned.
After moving to China and realizing how much I relied on my feet to get me to many or most places, the daily and consistent movement became medicine to me. My body constantly being in conscious movement (through daily physical activity, exercise, etc.) gave me an abundance of energy, rather than the reverse.
Sit still
Giving myself time to sit still. Finding a quiet space, sitting on the floor, closing my eyes, and just breathing. I am grateful for the time I’ve learned to take to feel what I am feeling, and slowly release whatever it is that is holding me.
Something that has greatly assisted me is guided meditations or simply sitting still after prayer (or whenever I need some time), with my hands placed on my womb, and I slowly inhale and exhale. You won’t feel how relaxing and relieving it is, until you recognize where you are mentally, emotionally, and physically. This requires you to intentionally focus on fully connecting to your body, and it’s a process worth journeying through.
Do what you can for the day
You are not a robot. Everything has its own time and space. I heard this from a friend who was referring to raising her children and was asked about wanting to go back to work. Although she wanted to go back to work, she knew at this period in time, her children needed her most.
The reality is, we cannot do it all and sustain ourselves even if we wanted to. You do what you can, and proceed to give yourself peace of mind knowing you did what you could.
Read or listen to something motivational
If you thrive off of motivational words and words of affirmation, this should be your go-to. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or just whenever. You don’t realize how much listening to a person or reading about a new perspective grants you an abundance of insight. It’s a mindset builder, and truly a way to strive to live more wholly.
Journaling may not be for everyone, but it’s a good way to release what you are feeling in a safe way. We process our thoughts better when we write them down, because we are in a state of reflecting.
Mind the business that pays you
Stop worrying about what others are doing. There’s no reason their life should occupy your mind. Wish good for everyone and move on. And if you harbor jealous/harmful feelings for someone in any amount, remove yourself from being in their presence (including their social media). This doesn’t make you a shady person, it only protects your energy and them.
Evaluate yourself, your lifestyle, and where you are in the present
Once you’ve learned to mind your own business, this step becomes a lot easier. I’ve realized the most wholesome people are always those that are in a constant state of reflection and who stay focused on whatever they are doing. If you need therapy, find a way to get it. If you want to change, improve, learn, etc. something, make the intention and an action plan to do so.
Create a routine
This can be as simple as having a routine time where you go to the bathroom. It sounds weird but your body will soon follow. And with time and patience, incorporate the things you need to feel and be better for yourself. Create a routine, but don’t allow it to make you feel stagnant in change.

How do you practice wholesome living?