Before we get into the meat of this blog post, let’s dig into what a “solocation” is. Shall we?
Solocation: a solo vacation. A short getaway you go on your own and do whatever it is that you need in order to rejuvenate.
A beautiful thing it is. Indeed.
My very first solocation was when I first moved to China in 2018. I frequently would hop on a plane for a little getaway prior, although it would always be to visit family. This time around, it was just me, God, and everything I had in my 3 suitcases. And though, China wasn’t for vacation purposes, it was a solo journey that unlocked a sea of solocations.
To show some appreciation for my solo female travelers and to all the ladies trying to find the courage to do so, here’s why your next trip needs to be a solocation.
It’s not going to liberate you
First things first. It’s liberating, but it’s not going to “liberate” you. To the Muslim woman who’s yet to gain more clarity on who you are, you’re already liberated. Short and sweet.
There are many things in this world that can feel liberating, and travel is just one of many.
You learn not to fear the world as much
Especially as a visibly Muslim woman. We often grow up being overly protected by the men and women in our families to the point where it becomes almost suffocating. I must acknowledge that sometimes it’s not our parent’s fault for acting in ways they themselves only knew, but when it is deeply culturally motivated and gender biased, it can do more damage than good.
Language is shifted to the point where many places and things you’d like to experience become somehow a lecture on safety and the dangers of the world. I never knew how much fear was instilled in me until I made the choice to move out of my way and stop listening to the comments that didn’t serve me.
There’s also another reality. Traveling as a solo woman to a vast amount of places around the world isn’t as scary as they paint it to be. I speak from experience, and my experiences will let you know each time I’ve felt safer traveling internationally than locally within the U.S.
Ditch the narrative of the world looking like a haunted house for women.
You develop an unmatched confidence
When you learn to navigate a whole new world outside of what you know and by yourself, there’s a different kind of energy you develop and a part of you that is unlocked. It’s the realization that you can conquer anything you set your mind to.
And ladies, just to be clear, this doesn’t mean your humility goes out the door. Confidence is simply, owning your identity and finding all the purpose you need in your authentic self through whatever journey you’re on.
It may just change you forever
There’s a deeper connection that is formed with yourself from journeying to the unknown alone. It’s a very spiritual experience, and until you tap into that side, you won’t fully understand. It’s an experience that puts you in a very vulnerable state, where you acknowledge it’s just you and God, and then the world.
You learn to go at your own pace
In the beginning, you may feel hesitant about the thought of eating, walking, and doing most if not all things on your own. You’ll notice a lot more stares than usual, considering you’re more vigilant when you’re not occupied with another person’s presence. But, you learn to get through it. Overtime and over space. You realize how much of your experience is dependent upon what you want to make it.
You have full autonomy over how you’d like to spend your time and the power to choose your pace. Think of it as an opportunity that’ll teach you to listen and trust your own judgment.
These are just some of the many reasons why a solocation can be life-changing when experiencing travel. It’s one way to travel and push your comfort zone, although, whatever way suits you best, do it boundlessly.
I’ve found greater joy in travel through solo travel once I established an understanding of how I want to experience the world, and it showed me how limitless I can be even with all my fears. That’s to say, it’s alright to have fears, but never allow them to be the cause of you downplaying your strength.
As always, may you live & learn boundlessly – in faith, travel, & life. Always.